In an increasingly God-less culture, American literature has suffered painful amendments. It’s difficult to find new books that have been skillfully written with exciting plots, empathetic characters, and in-depth world development that also hold to the standard of truth that we – as Christ-followers – embrace.

I’d like to welcome you to the Kingdom Seekers Circle – a little corner dedicated to reviewing Christian books to help you find the true, beautiful, and powerful stories you desire.

Stories that are – at their core – filled with God’s truth from His word, and surrounded by a cast of fictional or fantastical characters in different worlds and times, written by various Kingdom Seekers.

God’s people are Kingdom Seekers (Matthew 6:33, The Bible). We are actively looking for the Kingdom of God that has begun in us and will be completed when Jesus Christ returns in glorious splendor! In the meanwhile, we strive to show the light of this Kingdom to others that they might be encouraged to keep on or join the Kingdom.

Immerse yourself in many new worlds and join new characters on their journeys as we assemble the Kingdom Seekers Circle.



Kingdom Tales Trilogy

Share this Review Facebook Kingdom Tales TrilogyDavid and Karen Mains Genre: Family Read-Aloud, Christian Fantasy, Children’s Fantasy Scarboy stands, clasping his young brother’s hand, and watches his mother’s funeral pyre blaze at Burning Place. The Enchanter is coming. Now is the time to follow his mother’s last wish…and run! Scarboy

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A Cry from Egypt

Share this Review Facebook A Cry from EgyptHope Auer (Peterson) Genre: Christian Fiction/ Historical Fiction/Teen/Young Adult/Living Book “Tell them,” her friend said,  “tell them all that I’m seeing Yahweh at work in Egypt at last.” Jarah was stunned. What did these words of hope mean? The Hebrew slave girl had

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Creator’s Call

Share this Review Facebook Creator’s CallCostas Ioannou Genre: Christian Fantasy/Teen/Young Adult You’re looking for a Christ-centered fantasy novel with dragons, an exotic language, miracles, fantastical creatures, demons, a fight for the true light, and a little romance? I’ve got just the book. After being mentored by a former Keeper, Edward

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Echoes of Mercy

Share this Review Facebook Echoes of Mercy{Songs of the Children, #2)LaKaysha Elizabeth Genre: Christian Fiction/Historical Fiction/Teen/Young Adult The question lingered: where was Nolan? and would he ever come home? A sense of brotherhood has kept Nolan Hayes and Mike Wayne together since their meeting after the war. Their steps take

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Strength in Measure

Share this Review Facebook Strength in Measure{Songs of the Children, #1)LaKaysha Elizabeth Prefer to watch? Head over to my Youtube channel and hear the review there!  Genre: Christian Fiction/Historical Fiction/Teen/Young Adult Their father’s death leaves a shadow over the family that will not easily dissipate. Nonetheless, time goes on. Young

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The Sword, the Ring, and the Parchment

Share this Review Facebook The Sword, the Ring, and the Parchment(The Terrestria Chronicles #1)Ed Dunlop Prefer to watch? Head over to my Youtube channel and hear the review there!  Genre: Christian Fiction/Allegory/Teen/Tween His chain of iniquity and weight of guilt made a path, deep and round, through the sludge. Never

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