
Do you enjoy writing? Do you desire to publish one day? I’m blogging with you in mind!
I pen these posts to inspire you through God’s Word. My hope is to encourage you with writing tips and tricks, publishing advice, fun ideas, prompts, and personal stories.
Get to know me more, grow in your love for God’s Word, and find ways to honor God in your writing and publishing journey. Let’s go!
If you’re interested in doing a guest blog post, contact me.

5 Ways God Inspired Men to Start Chapter One

5 Ways God Inspired Men to Start Chapter One Remember, God inspired men to write the accounts of His mysteries, majesty, and marvelous plan for salvation from the beginning of time until the revelation of what is to come. We have taken the God-breathed Word and compiled it into sixty-six

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The Chapter One Dilemma

The Chapter One Dilemma {A note from Alyson: all the strategies and rules of this blog series apply primarily to adventure novels. Not all standards and regulations will carry into other genres.} Remember COC? We’ve used the Chapter One Criteria to create all the key elements that make a first chapter

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The Chapter One Dilemma

The Chapter One Dilemma {A note from Alyson: all the strategies and rules of this blog series apply primarily to adventure novels. Not all standards and regulations will carry into other genres.} So, now you have a first sentence, a positive-negative current, an opening paragraph, and the beginning of a scene.

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The Chapter One Dilemma

The Chapter One Dilemma {A note from Alyson: all the strategies and rules of this blog series apply primarily to adventure novels. Not all standards and regulations will carry into other genres.} “If someone would tell me what to put on the first page, then I would write a book.” 

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The Chapter One Dilemma

The Chapter One Dilemma {A note from Alyson: all the strategies and rules of this blog series apply primarily to adventure novels. Not all standards and regulations will carry into other genres.} “I know how to write, and I’m good at it. I know my character, and he’s great. If

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Away from the Desk

Away from the Desk One cannot write about life if they, themselves, are not in life. I have a large, beautiful desk, on top of which sits my old computer, a pencil sharpener, and some notebooks (give or take depending on the season). It sits by a window that allows

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Character Corner #1

Character Corner #1 “What makes a good character? It is not the name – though a name is an excellent thing to create, for a nameless character is nobody at all…” Naming characters is a delight for me, especially if I get to make up the name. This is an

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The Pure Line Series Begins!

The Pure Line Series Begins! When I completed Chained, I had no clue it would lead to an entire series of books. My sisters and brother loved the book so much that I decided to write another about Adrian Falkner for them. They loved that one, too! Spurred on by

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Books That Inspired Mine

Books That Inspired Mine Whether they admit to it or not, all authors were inspired by someone else’s work. And, in most cases, authors are unaware that one Author’s great work consistently inspires them. I love to read. Our house is full of books of all kinds (approximately 1,000 copies).

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