
Do you enjoy writing? Do you desire to publish one day? I’m blogging with you in mind!
I pen these posts to inspire you through God’s Word. My hope is to encourage you with writing tips and tricks, publishing advice, fun ideas, prompts, and personal stories.
Get to know me more, grow in your love for God’s Word, and find ways to honor God in your writing and publishing journey. Let’s go!
If you’re interested in doing a guest blog post, contact me.

The Hero Must Have a Name!

The Hero Must Have a Name! “Haven’t you named the hero yet?”“Not yet.”“When are you going to get around to that?”“When I hear a name that sounds right.”“When will that be?”“I don’t know.”“How can you write a book about a character that has no name?”“He has a name in my

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Hidden Character

Hidden Character At some point, “that which is hidden will be brought into the light.” In book two of The Pure Line Series, a hidden character comes into the light.  In Chained, I wrote in a nameless character. This background person had no physical features, no lines, and only three appearances

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Find it Flawed

Find it Flawed My older sister, a cousin, and I were sitting in my aunt’s living room making potholders. After discussing the variety of topics young girls do, we turned our minds to more spiritual things. We spoke about God and how He is perfect. He never says or does

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Jumping Hurdles in Self-Publishing

Jumping Hurdles in Self-Publishing If there is not at least one hurdle in the path before you, then you are probably going the wrong way. As a Christian, I am fully aware that the evil one will try to attack my faith at every opportunity. Jesus Christ has given me

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5 Ways to Inspire Yourself to Write

5 Ways to Inspire Yourself to Write “I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I am inspired at nine o’clock every morning.” – Peter De Vries. Everyone needs a little encouragement in their writing journey to become inspired because, without inspiration, the story dies. So, here

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The Hero and the Savior

The Hero and the Savior Spoiler alert! If you have not read my book, buy it now and come back to the post after you’ve read it all the way through! “You’ve heard it said: no hero, no story. I will add this: no Savior, no hero.” Let’s start by

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My House Full of Editors

My House Full of Editors Things done alone rarely succeed and aren’t a fraction as much fun as they can be. I live with my parents and seven siblings on a beautiful plot of land in Alabama {pictured above}. Despite all our responsibilities as a family, we find time to

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Creating a Plot With the Bible

Creating a Plot With the Bible I said it once, and I’ll say it again “God was the first to inspire man to write, and His stories, themes, characters, and settings will all be recreated time and again through all of life.” Let me be clear: God did not write a

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Christ and Me

Christ and Me There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.Romans 3:23-24. For, if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive us

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