
Do you enjoy writing? Do you desire to publish one day? I’m blogging with you in mind!
I pen these posts to inspire you through God’s Word. My hope is to encourage you with writing tips and tricks, publishing advice, fun ideas, prompts, and personal stories.
Get to know me more, grow in your love for God’s Word, and find ways to honor God in your writing and publishing journey. Let’s go!
If you’re interested in doing a guest blog post, contact me.

Update on Betrayed (Book Three in The Pure Line Series)

Update on Betrayed Update on Book Three; this is what the process has looked like so far! I began reading my rough draft manuscript of Betrayed, book three in The Pure Line Series, shortly after Trapped was published in September of 2021. This story didn’t have as much of a

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These Determined Steps: Trapped

These Determined Steps: Trapped Self-Publishing Series, #6 It was April, 2021. We had accomplished a complex feat as a family: Chained was published. Now it was time to pull my chair to the desk, put my hands to the keyboard, and edit the sequel. Another battle began. Trapped had a

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Suspense In The Lamplighter, by Maria S. Cummins, there is a scene in which your heroine must leap for her life, not knowing if she will make it to safety. The title of the next chapter? Suspense. My siblings have put up with a lot of cliffhangers in my writing.

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Becoming a Successful Writer – Guest Blog by T.R.Q.T.

Becoming a Successful Writer by T.R.Q.T. Who doesn’t want to be successful? Whether in business, school, sports, or anything else, success is a much-sought goal. But sometimes we don’t know how to get there. I want to give you a map that will help you reach your destination. But before

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Picturing Your World – Guest Blog by One Whimsical Writer

Picturing Your World Special thanks to Alyson Jensen, for seeing my writing as good enough to be featured. Thank you for the opportunity Sister-in-Christ. Dear reader, please note, I am no professional, and I simply wrote out the way that I created my lands. You do not have to follow

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What is His Name?

What is His Name? December is here and a new season has begun. A season in which our enemy continues to attack us. Our enemy seeks even now in the busyness, gift shopping, decorations, family gatherings, and cozy firelight reading time to distract, tempt, and dissuade us from our true

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Things I Love About God as an Author

Things I Love About God as an Author In the Bible, God reveals many names and titles that rightly represent Himself to His people. In Hebrews 12:2, it says, “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.” Today, I thought I would share some things I

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Are You Akereios?

Are You Akereios? Do you remember Play-Doh? It may have been a while since you played with it. I especially enjoyed it fresh out of the container. I liked how easy it was to shape. Whenever we took out new Play-Doh, my mom always told us, “Be careful not to

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