
I’m Alyson – redeemed servant of the High King of Heaven through the grace of Jesus Christ.

After my homeschool graduation, I published the first book in The Pure Line Series. I continue to pen Christian fiction novels for teens wrought with epic battles, humor, and faith. I hope to impact readers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage them to See the spiritual battle, Fight the real enemy, and Conquer through Jesus Christ.

Additionally, I have begun reviewing Christian books. I enjoy connecting with other believers and reading the stories they pen. It gives me joy to share their work with enthusiastic readers.

I also enjoy washing dishes, singing, studying God’s Word, and dairy-free chocolaty concoctions (especially brownies). Oh, yes, and I like abordable, sweet, and frisky lambs!

I live with my parents and seven siblings on a farm in south Alabama. We raise sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, Great Pyranees, and guineas. In our “spare time,” my siblings and I build Playmobil castles and houses, throw the football, and play strategy board games.