Raise a Hallelu Yah

As God changes me, my perspective and desires for writing change.

The Pure Line Series is one of the ways I get to spread the message of the Gospel, speak truth about God, show how He changes our lives, and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. Naturally, I want the books to reach more people. The primary way books get into the hands of more people is recommendations/reviews. Word of mouth is still huge!

However, in beginning to write reviews for Christian books myself, I have found that the typical style of reviews quickly opens the door to praising the Christian who wrote rather than the Author of Life.

The Scriptures (Psalms especially) are packed with appeals, commands, and encouragements to “praise the LORD.” In Hebrew, it is “hallelu Yah.” (Yah is another Hebrew name for God.)

Isaiah 26:12 says, “O Lord, You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished You have done for us.” In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” In essence, a Christian does nothing without the Lord, so we don’t deserve the praise.

In Revelation 7:12, those worshipping before the LORD God and the Lamb sing, “Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

Praise is a recognition, adoration, and declaration of what God has done, with thanksgiving ringing through the tones. Hallelu Yah invites the hearers to break into song or shout their own declaration to God.

It is fitting for those God created to worship their Creator. In light of this, I have decided not to ask for typical reviews for The Pure Line Series. Instead, I ask you to raise a hallelu Yah! Praise God for something you read in the PLS that is true of Him.

Like this reader:

“One of the main things I loved about this book was how much of God’s character was put on display. I was reminded of how patient God is in seeking out His children, and how merciful He is. That even though we sin and fall short, we can be redeemed through His grace that is an outpouring of His love. That we can defeat the ultimate battle in our lives and come to know true life. I loved that even when a character doubted God’s trueness, God was patient, and quick to forgive. I found myself saying ‘thank you’ subconsciously for all the character of God as I read this book, and noticed how it was affecting me, even as I was taking it for granted. 
In short, this book was a reminder of God’s patience, love and mercy. His healing power in our lives, and the victory we gain through His Name and blood. Chained was as memorable as it was impactful to my faith, and to my life.”

Hallelu Yah!

Praise is meant for God, to worship Him and give Him the glory due His name for all He has done.

“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Hallelu Yah!” Psalm 150:6

Scroll to the bottom of the product page to raise a hallelu Yah!