5 Ways to Inspire Yourself to Write

“I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I am inspired at nine o’clock every morning.” – Peter De Vries.

Everyone needs a little encouragement in their writing journey to become inspired because, without inspiration, the story dies. So, here are some ideas to get your creativity fired up!

1 – Music!
I have mood music. Depending on what I need to be inspired to write, I will play the corresponding mood music. For example, it’s nearly impossible to write a battle without epic orchestral music playing – at least in my head! Go through your playlists until something inspires you to pick up a pen or slide your fingers across the keyboard.

2 – Do a Chore.
I live on a growing homestead, so there are plenty of chores I can choose to do. My favorite is washing dishes. Swishing hot, soapy water around and bringing order to the chaotic kitchen makes me happy. It also inspires me to tie up loose ends in my stories, connect characters, and more! The action of doing something different with your hands and mind refreshes your writing skills and inspires you to continue.

3 – Mood Food. 
Many of us have that favorite food, the one we say we would eat every day of the week (even though we can’t and probably wouldn’t). If you need to see to it that you’re inspired to write, eat your favorite food. Happy food makes for happy writing!

4 – Listen to a Conversation.
Ask to sit in on your parents’ conversations. Watch their mannerisms, listen to the changes in the tones of their voices, and pay attention to the stories they tell. They might inspire you to create a new character or do something unexpected in your plot. It’s worked for me.
Or, if you have several siblings as I do, listen to the way someone younger than you speaks and acts in a conversation. If invited, join in the conversation. Again, it’s refreshing your mind to write.

5 – Play a Board Game.
Wait, aren’t board games for when you’re bored? Some of them are (like Sorry!®). Some, however, were invented to spark imagination and give you a fun time. One such board game is Catan®. Each of these unique games has a storyline connected to the play, which adds to the level of enjoyment. As I see the game play out, I like to imagine characters within the cities and settlements. The stories build themselves! By the end of the game, I’m ready to write. 

Remember, these are ideas formed from personal experience. They may or may not work for you, but be encouraged that there are ways to inspire yourself. Comment below what you do to see to it that you are inspired to write!